Staff of Gynecomastia Center In & Near Los Angeles

Staff of Gynecomastia Center of Los Angeles

Dr. Babak Moeinolmolki (Dr. Moein) wishes to introduce you to his surgical staff of Gynecomastia Center in & near LA. The doctor is selective in choosing the staff he works with.
For that reason, you can feel confident that your health and well-being are always in the best of hands.

From the initial office call to every in-person appointment, you can guarantee that our surgical staff of Gynecomastia Center in & near LA will greet you with a smile and assist you with whatever you need.

surgical staff of Gynecomastia Center in & near LA

Contact for Male Breast Reduction Surgery

We never want you to feel embarrassed or ashamed when calling the Gynecomastia Center of Los Angeles. We understand that male breast growth can cause embarrassment. You may even feel tenderness or pain.

Whether you were born with male breasts, developed them during puberty, or later in life, we understand the distress you are going through, and we can help.

The first step to getting treatment for male breast growth is to receive a diagnosis from a Top Gynecomastia surgeon like Dr. Moein. The doctor offers virtual consultations at first, for your prime safety and ultimate convenience. During this video chat, the doctor can determine if you are a viable candidate for treatment. These meetings are 100% confidential

If you are considered an ideal candidate for gynecomastia surgery, the next stage of the process is to schedule an in-person meeting with Dr. Moein. A physical examination and assessment of your medical history will allow the doctor to provide an accurate diagnosis for your male breast tissue.

Get the Latest Male Breast Reduction Treatments

Depending on your diagnosis, you have a host of treatments available to you at the Gynecomastia Center of Los Angeles. We provide compassionate care alongside state-of-the-art equipment, ensuring the best and most advanced remedies available for male breast growth removal.

Each patient of Dr. Moein’s receives a unique treatment plan. This gynecomastia therapy schedule is based on your current state of health, medical history, the cause of your gyno, and the type of gynecomastia you are experiencing.

Types of Male Breast Growth

1- Normal Gynecomastia

This type of excessive breast growth occurs in boys and older men. The usual cause is a drop in testosterone. In most cases, normal gyno will resolve on its own within two years. If not, liposuction, VASER Lipo or a mastectomy are possible treatments.

2- Glandular Gynecomastia

Otherwise referred to as “Bodybuilder Gynecomastia”, this type of gyno typically arises out of excessive steroid use. Dr. Moein will likely recommend the removal of the gland through surgical means.

3- Adult Gyno

This type of male breast is characterized by fatty deposits located within the glandular tissue. Most men who experience breast growth have glandular gyno. Dr. Moein may recommend male breast reduction surgery for treatment of the condition, both to remove fat and excess glandular tissue.

4- Adolescent and Teenage Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia in teens usually runs in the family. Approximately 30% to 60% of boys age 9 – 14 will experience adolescent gyno as they develop into adults. Surgery and non-surgical means of treatment are available, such as J-Plasma for Gynecomastia, and VASER Lipo for Gyno. Parents are encouraged to bring their kids and teens to our treatment center for an accurate diagnosis.

5- Asymmetric or Unilateral Gynecomastia

Asymmetrical Gynecomastia occurs in one breast or both and at varying degrees. One breast may appear larger than the other or some other asymmetry may exist. Surgery such as a Male Gyno Mastectomy is usually recommended.

6- Pseudo Gynecomastia

Men and boys with Pseudo Gyno have male breasts comprised of adipose tissue as opposed to glandular tissue. In many cases, this type of excess chest growth can be treated with diet and exercise. When stubborn fat remains, Liposuction, VASER Lipo, and Renuvion (J-Plasma) can be effective Gyno Treatments.

7- Severe Gynecomastia

For older men who have lost skin elasticity, severe gynecomastia can cause breasts that droop and sag. This can occur with obesity or following significant weight loss. Surgery to remove the excess fat and tissue is the typical course of treatment. Dr. Moein may also recontour the chest to improve aesthetics and symmetry.

No matter what type of male breast growth you suffer from, you can find treatment at the Gynecomastia Center of Los Angeles. Our surgical staff of Gynecomastia Center in & near LA makes your safety and treatment goals our top priority. This is your chance to finally do away with your male gyno with state-of-the-art methods and with friendly professionals helping you along the way.

Call for Male Breast Reduction Surgery In & Near Los Angeles

When you become a patient of Dr. Moein’s for male breast reduction surgery, the surgical staff of Gynecomastia Center in & near LA want you to feel at-home coming to us with any questions or concerns.
We can educate you, set your mind at ease, and help you rest assured that you have made the right decision for your self-esteem and health.

Ready to get started?

The first step to getting help with your excessive breast tissue is to contact a gynecomastia doctor for a virtual consultation. Get started now by calling our office at +1(310)861-3779 to choose a time that works best for you.

surgical staff of Gynecomastia Center in & near LA

Find out if Gynecomastia Surgery is Right for You!

Learn about your options for male breast reduction surgery (Gynecomastia surgery) in & near Los Angeles by scheduling a free consultation with Dr. Moein. Here, you are guaranteed an exceptional patient experience.

From the moment of your initial meeting to surgery and beyond, your health and body shape goals will take top priority.

Contact Us to schedule your free consultation with one of the best Gyno doctors in Los Angeles!

Give Us A Call!  +1(310)861-3799

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