Out of Town Patients for Gynecomastia Treatment

The Gynecomastia Center of Los Angeles caters to all sufferers of gyno, not just those that live nearby but also those out of town patients for Gynecomastia surgery. Our center is open to anyone, regardless of physical proximity. We can treat out-of-town patients for gynecomastia using a few of the most common techniques used today.

Gynecomastia, the growth of male breast tissue, is a problem that can affect around 20% of all men at some point in their lives. Characterized by male breast tissue that gives the appearance of man boobs, the issue can only be effectively treated with gynecomastia surgery. The good news is that treatment is available for teenagers and men with gyno at our surgical center right here in & near Los Angeles.

How Does Someone Out of Los Angeles Get Gyno Treatment?

The first step to getting treatment for gyno is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Moein.

The meeting is conducted via video chat at first, for your safety and convenience. The doctor can assess your gynecomastia issue and ask questions about your medical history. If treatment is warranted, the doctor can arrange for you to travel to sunny and beautiful Los Angeles.

Out of Town Patients

Planning Your Trip for Gynecomastia Treatment

The goal of out-of-town gyno treatment is to have you treated and back home as soon as possible. Dr. Moein can help you arrange travel and accommodations at one of the hotels in the area of our gyno center. Imagine being treated to all the amenities the hotel has to offer while you heal from your gynecomastia treatment. You will also be pleased to know that many of the gyno treatments Dr. Moein provides come with little to no downtime. You can turn your trip for gynecomastia treatment into a sight-seeing vacation. In just a few days, you will be back home with a flatter, more masculine chest.

Fast Track to Gyno Surgery

This form of gynecomastia treatment is known as medical tourism. The definition of the term is where you travel from one location to another for the purposes of medical treatment. In this case, you are traveling to have your gyno treated. Dr. Moein knows that time is of the essence. You need to be back home to go to work or school. For that reason, the doctor can create a customized treatment plan that includes gyno surgery and recovery before you make the trip. You will have an itinerary you can plan around, and you can even visit Hollywood while you’re here.

How Much Does Gynecomastia Surgery Cost In & Near Los Angeles?

The gynecomastia surgery cost can range between $8,000 and $14,000, depending on the severity of the problem and the procedures being performed. The cost of travel and hotel accommodations will increase the cost, and there may be other fees associated with the procedure, such as anesthesia and any prescriptions that are needed post-surgery.

Dr. Moein can discuss these gynecomastia surgery costs In & Near Los Angeles with you during your initial consultation.

Out of Town Patients

Does Insurance Pay Gynecomastia Surgery Cost?

Your insurance company is unlikely to cover your gynecomastia surgery cost. Major insurers see gyno treatment as a cosmetic procedure that is not medically necessary. That means you will have to pay for treatment out of pocket. However, there are other ways to pay for treatment. Financing your gynecomastia procedure is a good option. You can have gynecomastia treatment now and pay over the span of months or years with low monthly payments. Dr. Moein at the Gynecomastia Center of Los Angeles works with CareCredit and Prosper HealthCare Lending. Both companies can help you attain the chest you want without stressing over finances.

Which Treatments Are Available For Out of Town Patients?

During your physical assessment, Dr. Moein will determine what type of gynecomastia you have. Whether your issue was caused by a hormone imbalance or weight gain, the procedures offered for treatment are typically the same.


Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that is very popular with gynecomastia patients. The procedure extracts the fat underneath and around the nipple, where the fatty and glandular tissue tends to be more pronounced. The procedure uses tiny incisions, which are made to allow the insertion of a thin plastic tube called a cannula. A solution is first added to the treatment area to anesthetize the area and emulsify the fat. Once the fat has melted, all the excess tissue is suctioned out, leaving the area flatter and more ideal in appearance.


While liposuction is effective for removing large pockets of fat, VASER Lipo is excellent for targeting smaller, more precise fat deposits. VASER uses sound energy to break up the bonds that hold fat to the surrounding tissues. The fatty deposits are then suctioned out, similar to the liposuction procedure. VASER can make your chest look toned, which makes it a favorite with bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts.


This skin tightening procedure is taking the cosmetic surgery world by storm. Renuvion uses J-Plasma technology, which tightens the skin, leaving it looking firmer with a healthier glow. Liposuction is first used to suction away the excess fat and glandular tissue. The Renuvion device then tightens the skin on and around your chest, making it look younger and more defined.

Need Gyno Treatment But You’re Out of Los Angeles?

All of these treatments are conducted at the Gynecomastia Center of Los Angeles and come with little discomfort or downtime. If you have ever felt embarrassed about your gynecomastia, you owe it to yourself to seek treatment. If you have ever felt discomfort or pain because of your male breast growth, and you live beyond Los Angeles, call our gyno center at +1-310-861-3799 and tell us about your problem.

Speak with Dr. Moein about your gynecomastia issue so that we can arrange for you to travel here, to the Gynecomastia Center of Los Angeles. Call now to get started with professional gynecomastia doctors In & Near Los Angeles.

A doctor is consulting with an out-of-town patient in a doctor's office.

Find out if Gynecomastia Surgery is Right for You!

Learn about your options for male breast reduction surgery (Gynecomastia surgery) in & near Los Angeles by scheduling a free consultation with Dr. Moein. Here, you are guaranteed an exceptional patient experience.

From the moment of your initial meeting to surgery and beyond, your health and body shape goals will take top priority.

Contact Us to schedule your free consultation with one of the best Gyno doctors in Los Angeles!

Give Us A Call!  +1(310)861-3799

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* A $50 booking fee is required to schedule time with our expert surgeon*
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