Gynecomastia Aftercare Instructions

Learn how to care for your body to allow for proper healing following your gynecomastia surgery. Gynecomastia aftercare instructions are given to each patient before surgery begins. These guidelines include tips and information that help to facilitate a speedy gynecomastia surgery recovery In & Near Los Angeles.

Male breast growth can affect men of all ages at any point in their lives. Gyno treatments, both surgical and non-surgical, can boost self-esteem and improve quality of life. Treating the men gyno is a necessary step in this direction but healing must take priority. Dr. Moein of the Gynecomastia Center of Los Angeles will help you heal the right way. He wants you to get back to living life on your terms, without male breast growth slowing you down.

Gynecomastia Surgery Recovery at Home Los Angeles, CA

Before & After Gynecomastia Surgery

Proper gynecomastia surgery recovery In & Near Los Angeles begins before the procedure is even scheduled. Dr. Moein will give you tips to help you prepare for the day of surgery. That includes making sure you are prepared to rest in bed for a few days. Have things handy nearby so that your life is not inconvenienced while you heal from gyno treatment.

Try to get a support system consisting of people who can help with chores and someone who can drive you home from surgery. While you’re at it, you might want to notify work. Teens undergoing gyno surgery should do the same with school. You may need a day or two off to recovery once surgery has been completed.

On the day of surgery, you will be placed under general anesthesia, which means you will be asleep during the procedure. Plan to have someone drive you home afterward. Dr. Moein may recommend you stay a night or two in the hospital, but this is decided on a case-by-case basis.

Recovery from Gyno Surgery Step by Step

Immediately Following Surgery

When you come out of surgery, you may feel tenderness or soreness at the treatment spot. This is normal and will typically resolve on its own. Dr. Moein may recommend that you wear a compression garment to aid in the healing and reshaping of your chest area. Drainage tubes may also be used to prevent liquid buildup.

Dr. Moein will give you Gynecomastia aftercare instructions on how to wear the garment and how to care for the treatment area and drainage tubes to avoid complications. The Gynecomastia aftercare instructions are easy to follow and mostly consist of careful attention, lots of rest, and proper hydration.

Gynecomastia Aftercare Instructions IN la, ca

Gynecomastia Surgery Recovery at Home

Gyno surgery can take a few days to recover from. Plan on spending plenty of time in bed. After those few days are up, Dr. Moein will encourage you to get up and move around. Focus on light activity only. When you feel a bit stronger, the doctor may recommend that you stop wearing the garment. During this time, you can usually engage in light cardio, such as briskly walking, but refrain from weightlifting until you are fully healed.

The doctor will inform you of when it is safe to resume exercise and engage in your normal activities. This is for your ultimate safety. In most cases, you can return to your normal lifestyle in just a few weeks. Dr. Moein will schedule follow-up visits with you to ensure you are healing properly. The results of the procedure will also be assessed to ensure you have a flatter chest and a more symmetrical chest area.

Go back to Work or School After Surgery

The time it takes to return back to work depends on your occupation. Sedentary jobs where you sit at a desk for the majority of the day are safer to return to than more physically demanding jobs, at least for the first few days. In most cases, you can return to more physical jobs within one or two weeks.

For surgery to correct gynecomastia in teens, the child may only need to be absent for a day or two. The boy may be told to avoid physical activity like gym class for at least a few weeks.

Adults may ask their employer for lighter duty during the healing process if you can’t take the time off. Dr. Moein can help to provide guidance as far as how long you need to heal, and the activity level you can engage in during your gynecomastia surgery recovery.

Go back to Work or School After Surgery

The time it takes to return back to work depends on your occupation. Sedentary jobs where you sit at a desk for the majority of the day are safer to return to than more physically demanding jobs, at least for the first few days. In most cases, you can return to more physical jobs within one or two weeks.

For surgery to correct gynecomastia in teens, the child may only need to be absent for a day or two. The boy may be told to avoid physical activity like gym class for at least a few weeks.

Adults may ask their employer for lighter duty during the healing process if you can’t take the time off. Dr. Moein can help to provide guidance as far as how long you need to heal, and the activity level you can engage in during your gynecomastia surgery recovery.

Before & After Gynecomastia Surgery in LA, CA

Don’t Forget the Gyno “Before and After” Surgery Photos!

Taking photographs of your chest area prior to surgery can give you a good reference point for where you began on this journey to a flatter chest. You may not want to remember how your chest used to look after you have surgery. But knowing where you started makes reaching your surgical goal that much sweeter. The goal of gyno surgery is to create a more normalized chest and one that doesn’t cause discomfort, tenderness, or embarrassment.

After surgery, you will be able to take another set of photographs that depicts a flatter, more symmetrical chest. Comparing the photographs usually forces you to question why you didn’t seek out surgery sooner.
from the embarrassment? Imagine what it would be like to wear the clothes you want, or to take off your shirt while swimming or at the beach, or whenever you want. Gynecomastia surgery can make you more confident and give your chest more symmetry. What are you waiting for?

Learn how to recover from your type of surgery by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Moein of the Gynecomastia Center of Los Angeles. The doctor offers virtual consultations (video chat-based) for your safety and convenience. Call now at +1-310-861-3799 to discuss a time that works best for you!

Find out if Gynecomastia Surgery is Right for You!

Learn about your options for male breast reduction surgery (Gynecomastia surgery) in & near Los Angeles by scheduling a free consultation with Dr. Moein. Here, you are guaranteed an exceptional patient experience.

From the moment of your initial meeting to surgery and beyond, your health and body shape goals will take top priority.

Contact Us to schedule your free consultation with one of the best Gyno doctors in Los Angeles!

Give Us A Call!  +1(310)861-3799

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