Gynecomastia Surgery Do’s and Don’ts for Los Angeles Patients

We gathered the general Gynecomastia surgery do’s and don’ts for Los Angeles patients to guide your post-op surgical procedure and effectively heal in no time.

Gynecomastia syndrome – the growth of male breasts – is said to affect one in four men between the ages of fifty and sixty-nine.

But did you know that infants and teenage boys can also develop the condition?

With gynecomastia being such a common malady, there must be some kind of treatment, right?

In fact, there is. Gynecomastia surgery is the best remedy gynecomastia doctors have at their disposal for glandular growth in men of adult age.

There’s a myth that gynecomastia is solely an esthetic condition. Not so! While it is true that men who suffer from male breast growth can and often do feel self-conscious about their bodies, the problems sometimes go deeper.

Men with male breasts – sometimes crudely referred to as man boobs or moobs – can begin to suffer from psychological trauma. Depression and isolation may set in. In severe cases, the breasts rub up against clothing, causing irritation and rashes.

At any rate, if you have male breasts, you probably want your gynecomastia to disappear. Surgery can help.

But before you opt for surgery, make sure you listen to your gynecomastia surgeon. During your initial consultation and leading up to your procedure, your surgeon will mention certain do’s and don’ts you need to remember.

Here’s a rundown of a similar list. Take heed if you want the best results from your surgery procedure. What results are those? We’re talking a smooth, flat, masculine chest, devoid of breast tissue, and with contours that allow for any clothing, or shirtless, anytime.

What is Gynecomastia and Why is it a Problem?

Gynecomastia is a condition of enlarged breast tissue in men and boys. Both breasts are not always affected. Sometimes, asymmetry can set in, further making sufferers feel “different.”

The glandular tissue forms because of hormone changes in the body. The condition is usually benign, which means it is noncancerous. The cause of the hormonal changes is not always known, such as when it happens to teens during puberty. Some boys form the condition, and some do not.

There are some precursors to the condition. Liver disease can cause male breast growth, and so can kidney disease. Lung cancer, testicular cancer, and thyroid disorders are also known to affect male breast growth.

Some medications can cause the condition, as can certain behaviors, such as abusing drugs like marijuana and anabolic steroids.

The fluctuation of male versus female hormones specifically causes the male to grow female-like breasts. The breast tissue is glandular by nature and must be removed surgically.

It should be noted that there is a condition that looks like gynecomastia but that’s where the similarities end. Pseudogynecomastia or false gynecomastia is made up of excess fat. The man still has man boobs, but the condition will usually disappear with adequate diet and exercise. Other times, some tissue may still remain even with a healthy lifestyle. Gynecomastia surgery can still help in these cases.Before you can opt for surgery, it will become necessary to identify the cause and type of gynecomastia and to determine if you instead suffer from pseudogynecomastia

Imaging, urine, and blood tests, as well as tissue biopsies may be necessary.

a man suffering from male breast growth in & near Los Angeles - Gynecomastia Surgery Do’s and Don’ts

If, after receiving a diagnosis, your doctor recommends surgery, follow the do’s and don’ts of gynecomastia surgery, some of which are listed out below.

Precautions Before Gyno Surgery

Don’ts of Gyno Surgery

  • No Smoking

Smokers don’t have to be told that smoking is bad for you. It’s been a constant message for years now. Some still like to smoke, and that’s their prerogative. If you are a smoker, you may want to quit at least two weeks before your surgery. Don’t roll your eyes, this is serious! Smoking cigarettes and even vaping if the cartridge contains nicotine can be detrimental to the healing process. Your body will begin to heal more slowly, which can worsen scars, and lead to possible infections. Maybe you could use gynecomastia surgery as an excuse to quit smoking once and for all.

  • Don’t Drink Alcohol

Abstaining from alcohol for at least one week prior to your procedure is a good idea. Alcohol can also affect healing, make you dehydrated, and cause countereffects with anesthesia.  

  • Pause on Blood Thinners

Always talk to your doctor before you stop taking any prescribed medications. That being said, you may want to talk to your doctor if you are on blood thinners before scheduling gynecomastia surgery. These medications can lead to excess bleeding and other risks during surgery that are best avoided altogether. Other over-the-counter substances that can thin the blood like vitamin E, herbal supplements, and garlic supplements should also be avoided.  

  • No Scented Soaps, Creams, or Lotions

Your surgical instructions will include how to bathe on the evening before and the morning of your procedure. You will be asked to wash with antibacterial soap and to forgo makeup or fancy creams or lotions of any kind. Lotions in particular can make imaging equipment difficult to use in the OR.

  • Don’t Eat Too Late on the Evening of Surgery

As with all surgeries, you’ll be asked not to eat or drink anything after midnight on the day prior to your scheduled procedure. Any food that remains in your stomach at the time of surgery can make you nauseous and could interfere with anesthesia while the surgery is ongoing.

Do’s of Gynecomastia Surgery

Now let’s get to all the things you should do in the lead up to your procedure.

  • Schedule Time Off Work

The moment you schedule surgery, you should make plans to take a short break from your usual work duties. How many days depends on the type of work you do. If you work a sedentary job, sitting at a desk all day, you might be able to return to work in a few days tops. Strenuous jobs like construction and those where you have to be on your feet all day might require a week or two before you start feeling antsy about returning to your regular job and activities.

  • List Your Medications

When your gynecomastia specialist asks you what medications you might be taking, this is no time for secrecy. Spill the beans. Your health may depend on it. You should share all prescribed medications and supplements. Your surgeon may in fact recommend that you begin taking a multivitamin each day starting at two weeks prior to your procedure.

  • Notify Your Surgeon of Illness

Tell your gynecomastia surgeon about any ailments you may be suffering from, including colds, flu, and infections in the days or weeks prior to your surgery. Your doctor may want to reschedule your surgery until the risks to your health are minimized as much as possible.

  • Get Someone to Care for You During Your Recovery Time

Name one trusted adult from your inner circle and ask that person to be your caretaker for at least the day of and the day after surgery. This individual can drive you home after you are released from the surgical center. They can then help you with chores and watch over you for the first twenty-four hours after your procedure.

  • Choose Your Gynecomastia Surgeon Wisely

When you want the best results possible, make sure you take time to find a qualified gynecomastia surgeon. The surgeon should have before and after of gynecomastia surgeries they have performed, as well as extensive experience. You can determine a surgeon’s experience by paying attention to their About page or bios on various medical rating websites like Look for education, certification, and training.

Conduct a Google search for men gyno surgeons or male gyno surgeons and compile a shortlist of the ones you like based on the criteria above, and that are located near you. Next, schedule consultations with each of those doctors. The consultation stage is very important. You must be comfortable with the surgeon. You can determine your comfort level with each doctor you sit down with by asking relevant questions and by being observant when the doctor is speaking, giving a diagnosis, and giving suggestions.

  • Have Realistic Expectations

It is true that man boob surgery is an elective procedure, and that it is cosmetic in nature. The aim of male breast removal is to return more masculine contours to the chest. When the surgery is completed, and the treatment area around your chest has healed, you will have a flatter chest devoid of excess breast tissue.

What gynecomastia surgery cannot do is give you a chest like a bodybuilder unless you are one. The surgery merely removes the excess fat, glandular tissue, and skin that was mimicking the appearance of female-like breasts.

Your gynecomastia surgeon will discuss the results you can expect with you during your initial consultation.

Gynecomastia Surgery Do’s and Don’ts
  • Prepare for Aftercare

In addition to getting a helping hand, plan your healing environment well in advance. When you come home from surgery, you’re going to want to relax. The last thing you’ll want to do is the dishes, laundry, and tidying up. Clear all walkways of clutter so you don’t trip and fall, and have all chores completed before you arrive home, or get the person who drove you home to help out.

You may also want to make sure your resting spot has everything you need, including a phone charger with an extra-long cord if needed, a large bottle for water, your cell phone (of course) with games preloaded if you like, and the remote control.

  • Arrange for Post-Surgery Equipment

You might find yourself wearing a compression garment for a week or so following gynecomastia surgery. This vest helps with blood flow, healing, and keeping your surgical results in place. The vest and other equipment such as alcohol swabs, Cortisone, and ice packs should be arranged beforehand. Talk to your surgeon about making these special arrangements. The less you have to run around and stress out after your procedure, the better it will be for your sanity and health.

  • Know the Best Time to Consider Gynecomastia Treatment

You might be right for gynecomastia treatment if you have excess breast growth on both or one breast (asymmetrical gynecomastia) and wish to enhance your body self-image. But there are other benefits you may not have thought of.

You may also be right for male breast removal surgery if you wish to enhance your social confidence. Or if you want improved body proportions.

And just think of the life-changing aspects that could be if you have ever avoided swimming or the gym on account of your man boobs.

Gynecomastia treatment might be right for you if you have always wanted to swim with your shirt off, wear tight clothing to the gym, and participate in sports without irritation or mockery.

If gynecomastia is a detriment to your quality of life, you’re an adult over the age of eighteen, and in good general health, this surgery could be a life-changer.

  • Get Tested for Gynecomastia

Before you opt for gyno surgery, make sure you are tested adequately by a board-certified gynecomastia surgeon. Dr. Babak Moeinolmolki of the Gynecomastia Surgery Center of Los Angeles has decades of minimally invasive and body contouring experience. His skill and precision can help you live a normal life free of excess male breast tissue. During your initial consultation with Dr. Moeinolmolki, you will be tested for the cause and gynecomastia type.

Lab reports will be made that include EKG, mammogram, and various medical tests before giving the green light for surgery.

a man measuring his breast growth in & near Los Angeles

Many men like you suffer from gynecomastia and are too embarrassed to swim with their shirts off, get intimate, or wear tight clothing because of the excess glandular growth. Whether your male breasts are on one side or both, gynecomastia surgery can help.

Where Can I Find Help for Gynecomastia Near me?

Now that you know the do’s and don’ts of surgery, otherwise known as male breast reduction surgery, isn’t it time you scheduled your consultation In & Near Los Angeles? Call us at +1-310-694-4486 in Southern California to book your appointment for this minimally invasive surgical option that could change your life for the better.

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A man posing for a post.

Dr.Babak Moeinolmolki

LA Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Moein is board-certified by the American Board of General Surgery.

Find out if Gynecomastia Surgery is Right for You!

Learn about your options for male breast reduction surgery (Gynecomastia surgery) in & near Los Angeles by scheduling a free consultation with Dr. Moein. Here, you are guaranteed an exceptional patient experience.

From the moment of your initial meeting to surgery and beyond, your health and body shape goals will take top priority.

Contact Us to schedule your free consultation with one of the best Gyno doctors in Los Angeles!

Give Us A Call!  +1(310)861-3799

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